Sunday, February 22, 2009

Best English Doujinshis

Bones, waiting for Season 4 Season

forensic anthropologist nicknamed "Bones" or "bones", his staff and the agent Booth of the FBI solve the most difficult cases.
The experience will be well that an outstanding working relationship, a real journey of life where everyone, including one case to another, learn something from each other. I just finished

of taste (not without a touch of melancholy thinking about when I can see the 4th season) the third series of this serial that has earned since the very first episode.
I had already posted a review on this show combined with a background detective thriller elements that have enjoyed increasing success.
is a product that has been able to offer an interesting storyline combined with the original elements or otherwise able to elicit something more than a passive viewing and uninvolving. Bones can
essere considerato un buon esponente di quello che ad oggi è un settore dominato in larga parte da produzioni americane, riuscendo a saper miscelare in modo intelligente elementi ironici, indagini accurate e misteri apparentemente irrisolvibili.
Questa terza serie è inizita all'insegna del macabro, con un serial killer dedito al cannibalismo la cui ricerca ha impregnato tutta la stagione e non senza risvolti assolutamente imprevedibili, che a me personalmente hanno lasciato un gusto amaro.
Oviamente non vi accennerò nulla, perchè preferirei che lo vedeste per poi magari lasciare qualche commento in proposito :)

Bones è uno dei telefilm più interessanti del momento!
Le plots of the episodes and behind the scenes that emerge at each element found form a solid base from which to draw and can make the series very interesting for those who are not buff out the investigations under the microscope. The characters seem believable and well characterized, with dialogues never forced and the right amount of irony that never hurts.
Both the image quality that the music and the dubbing does not present any defect whatsoever.
A must watch!
The third series consists of only 15 episodes.