Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What To Write In Boss Wedding Card

Melancholy (.... sorry to Albrecht Durer) 2010 Venice

L e maschere veneziane sono sempre un po' malinconiche...sarà l'espressione stessa masks covering their faces, will be the "empty eyes" will find that very often the rest against the walls, or sitting under the arcades or along the pier ...
goes without saying that they are always a bit 'sad, contrary to the spirit of carnival joker.
Who knows .... maybe that's why I love them very much!

PS Today I feel "green" and then put everything GREEN! The vector!
... that is why there is a time in Milan infamous and now the dominant color is gray??

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mera Naam Joker Teacher Fall In Water Scene

Venetian Masks esarcitato always a special fascination for me, the luxury and refinement in detail the make, in my eyes, small masterpieces, like this lady from the abbot of red velvet richly adorned with lace, rhinestones and sequins that winked melancholy supported a column, the precious umbrella twirling black lace and feathers of a swan .....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pernicious Anaemia And Fertility

..... it's time for Carnival!

V enice is not just a fantastic and unique city in its kind, but also its Carnival, with features masks full of fascination and mystery, is absolutely unique and spectacular. Every year in February, Venezia si trasforma per 10 gg in un immenso teatro a cielo aperto, dove attori e figuranti si susseguono in una girandola di colori e luccichii, su e giù per le calli incantate....

....che lo spettacolo abbia inizio!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cheat Vba Pokemon Gold

From a shoot for an ad campaign ....

...di una catena Hair Stylist, alcuni scatti fra quelli, a mio avviso, più interessanti.
Partiamo con  Francesco

Monday, February 1, 2010

Where To Find Furry Doujins

The sea calm evening

Il sole ormai tramontato sul litorale toscano, si accendono le prime luci di Livorno che si fondono con le ultime luci del giorno appena trascorso: il mare sembra sereno nel suo refluire anche se gli spruzzi sugli scogli lasciano capire che non è proprio calmo.....
Questa immagine mi trasmette senso di pace e calma interiore....spero abbia lo stesso effetto anche su di voi.