Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Difference Between Lease Leave And License


New York, February 15, 2011 (BWNS).

The seven detained Baha'i leaders in Iran have been transferred to the wards of the harshest prison facility in which they occur.
In the case of two signore baha’i, le circostanze del trasferimento fanno pensare che esso sia stato architettato per creare un ambiente insicuro che possa metterne in pericolo la sicurezza.
La Baha’i International Community è venuta a sapere che una delle due, Fariba Kamalabadi, subito dopo essere stata trasferita nel famigerato reparto 2000 del carcere Gohardasht, è già stata oggetto di minacce
fisiche da parte di alcune compagne di carcere.
«Si è saputo che l’atmosfera di questo reparto è molto tesa e che fra le detenute ci sono molta tensione e animosità», ha detto la signora Bani Dugal, il principale rappresentante della Baha’i International Community presso le Nazioni Unite.
La signora Kamalabadi has been transferred to ward 200 Saturday, February 12, along with Mrs. Mahvash Sabet.
"It is difficult to ascertain the reason for the transfer," said Ms. Dugal. "But we think that, since I arrived in Gohardasht, the two Baha'is, despite their difficult situation, were a constant source of consolation and hope for other prisoners. It seems that prison authorities have been alarmed by the fact that they were beginning to get signs of respect from a growing number of women prisoners. To justify the intensification of treatment, the authorities have accused of teaching the Baha'i Faith. "
From the moment they were interned, said Mrs. Dugal, the two have acted in a spirit of service to others. In early 2009, for example, shared a cell in Evin prison in Tehran to try to the Japanese-American-Iranian journalist Roxana Saberi, who later wrote that the two had helped her throughout her difficult story.
last week, was made a general announcement to all prisoners who have not had any contact with the two Baha'is. But undaunted they continued to look for them.
"After the transfer of two Baha'is, some prisoners were down to visit them in their resettlement, despite the guards attempted to stop him," said Ms. Dugal.
Kamalabadi Mrs. and Mrs. Sabet were informed that the Department held 200 had already been "warned" against them, before their transfer.
harsh and unhygienic conditions
The seven Baha'i leaders were transferred to the prison in Gohardasht, 20 km west of Tehran last August. Previously they had been guests at the Evin prison in Tehran without having received any charge for 20 months and then were accused of espionage and illegal to have created an administration and other charges. All charges have been rejected them. After a brief trial, the seven were sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Gohardasht is notorious for its conditions harsh and unhygienic, but at least the beginning of the Baha'i prisoners were kept away from the most violent elements that are hosted in the establishment. They also had relative freedom of access to areas of air.
In recent weeks, the seven were transferred from cells in which they were in an area of \u200b\u200bthe prison where conditions are much worse.
Three weeks ago five men were transferred in a wing reserved for political prisoners, known as the fourth department, which seems to be more crowded and more closely supervised. In this time are subject to severe physical hardships.
"Three of them share a cell and the two others share another" ha detto la signora Dugal. «Ogni cella ha due letti, perciò uno dei tre deve dormire sul pavimento».
«Gli ospiti di questa parte della prigione hanno il permesso di uscire a prendere aria solo in momenti prestabiliti, mentre in precedenza essi potevano farlo quando lo desideravano», ha detto la signora Dugal.

Un appello ai governi
«Nella nostra lettera aperta del 7 dicembre 2010 al capo della magistratura iraniana, abbiamo fatto notare che quell’ambiente così odioso e degradante è indegno anche dei peggiori criminali», ha detto la signora Dugal.
«Ripetiamo al governo iraniano: credete che i principi della giustizia e dell’equità islamiche are compatible with the imposition of such conditions on the innocent citizens? ".
"We continue to urge governments to people of good will around the world to do everything possible to make it clear to the Iranian government that everyone is watching his actions and that the Iranian government be held responsible for the safety of these prisoners and more than 50 Baha'is who have been detained in Iran, "said Ms. Dugal.
Baha'i News

Photos: Seven Baha'i prisoners, photographed several months before their arrest are Behrouz Tavakkoli, Saeid Rezaie, standing, Fariba Kamalabadi, Vahid Tizfahm, Jamaloddin Khanjani, Afif Naeimi,  Mahvash Sabet


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