Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Greyhound Flacky Skin

Ramak more of a cult 70s

continue to show American remake of that year marked our 80's.
We talked last week of Knight Rider, now is the time de The Bionic Woman.
you remember from the Man 6milioni dollars and the series was one of his spin-off?
The year was 1976 and the protagonists, Jamie Sommers (Lindsay Wagner) and Steve Austin (Lee Majors) often appeared together in either series to work on some difficult cases.

Ora la storia si ripete, anche se con delle differenze rispetto alla serie cult degli anni '80.
La protagonosta si chiama sempre Jaime Sommers, ma di professione barista. Ha una sorella minore di nome Becca ed un fidanzato, Will, docente universitario. Una sera, la vita di Jaime viene completamente sconvolta a causa di un incidente stradale in seguito del quale la ragazza perde entrambe le gambe ed il braccio destro.
Ma il fidanzato Will, uno scienziato che ha dedicato gli ultimi anni della sua vita alla ricerca inerente la ricostruzione bionica, decide di sottoporre Jaime ad una serie di interventi chirurgici e di innesti di componenti meccanici in grado di ricomporre gli arti e gli organi danneggiati.
Jaime diventa così una real weapon in the service of the Berkut Group, the government organization that has carried out its operation and who now claims that she carries out missions on their behalf. Under the leadership of Jae, she began a difficult training.
Meanwhile, Sarah Corvus, the first bionic woman that everyone thought dead, is back in circulation and acts without the slightest self-control. His first victim is his Will.
Jaime agrees to work with the Berkut Group, while trying to find a new balance between her life with Becca, his extraordinary physical abilities, and motor and a new life always in danger.

The cast:

Michelle Ryan (Jaime Sommers)
Miguel Ferrer (Jonas Bledsoe)
Molly Price (Ruth Treadwell)
Will Yun Lee (Jae Kim)
Lucy Kate Hale (Becca Sommers)
Katee Sackhoff (Sarah Corvus)
Mark Sheppard (Anthony Anthros)
Chris Bowers ( Will Anthros)

After the success of the first episodes, the ratings are progressively more and more declined. Because then the strike of the screenwriters' union, and a number of changes between the authors, are aired only eight episodes, and in March 2008, NBC has officially discontinued the series.

Sometimes, perhaps, is better not to try to replicate the successes of the past, because it threatens to make colossal flop!


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