Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Appointment Letter Of Asus


Ogni iniziativa per risolvere il problema della povertà deve prestare attenzione al rafforzamento delle capacità morali, etiche e spirituali delle persone e delle comunità.
Questo è quanto emerge dai messaggi consegnati dalla Baha’i International Community e da altre organizzazioni non-governative all’annuale Commissione ONU per lo sviluppo sociale.
«Gli sforzi per sradicare la povertà devono essere guidati dalla visione della prosperità umana nel senso più ampio del termine, una coesione dinamica tra la dimensione materiale e spirituale della vita umana», ha affermato, lunedì 14 febbraio, la rappresentante della Baha’i International Community, May Akale, nel corso di una relazione verbale alla Commissione.
«Come molti hanno affermato, la povertà non consiste nella semplice mancanza di risorse materiali, ma anche nell’assenza di quelle risorse etiche e sociali che creano un ambiente in cui le persone possano svilupparsi nel pieno delle loro capacità, grazie alle istituzioni sociali e alle comunità», ha detto la signora Akale.
Questi sforzi per costruire capacità devono mettere stressed the need to help people to "cultivate the skills necessary to become protagonists of their own development."
This is especially true with regard to the next generation, he said. "The many influences operating on the hearts and minds of children and youth are of particular importance when one tries to develop these capabilities."
"It is important to assess the extent to which young minds are influenced by the choices of their families and their communities. Although not intentional, the choices accepted ethical standards of failure, as the admiration of power, the search for a welfare state, the exaltation of violence and self-gratification, exert a profound influence on young minds. "
A 'World Cafe' has been offered in the offices of the Baha'i International Community to the United Nations, both at the session of the UN Commission for Social Development.
'Building vibrant communities'
During the session of the Commission, the Baha'i International Community has sponsored a meeting at their offices entitled "Building vibrant communities: strengthening capacities for justice, fairness and collective action. "
The event, which took place on February 10 was organized in the form of a 'World Cafe'. About 30 representatives of NGOs took part in an informal discussion, co-sponsored by the International Movement ATD Fourth World and the Huairou Commission, which helps economically disadvantaged women to organize for change. These
spoke identifying the elements needed to create economically and socially healthy community.
" Extreme poverty is a violation of human rights," said Cristina Diez , representing the ATD Fourth World at the United Nations, adding that most marginalized members of society and branded "challenge us to think world in a way different. "
Ms. Diez said that if you want to ensure that all members of a community can influence decisions that affect the entire group, you must practice justice, equity and collective action.
Shannon Hayes of the Huairou Commission spoke about the work in the communities affected by the consequences of AIDS. Among the features needed to build the communities listed transparency, tolerance, understanding, development and democratic processes.
Erin Murphy-Graham, Baha'i assistant professor of international education at the University of New York, sought answer the question "What is a community?". He said honesty, civic involvement and interest in others are essential traits.
After the speakers' presentations, participants gathered in small groups to discuss the characteristics of a healthy society.
Many have concluded that the values \u200b\u200bof justice, equity and unity must be included in conversations about how to build communities spiritually and materially prosperous.
They concluded that education and the exploitation of women and youth, in particular, will help develop the talents and confidence necessary for community members and required their rights.
The UN Commission for Social Development meets annually to consider issues relating to poverty, social integration and employment. This year's session began on February 9 and ended Friday, February 18.
photos: May Akale, a representative of the Baha'i International Community, during the oral report to the UN Commission on Social Development on Monday 14 February. "Efforts to eradicate poverty must be guided by a vision of human prosperity in the fullest sense of the term - a dynamic coherence between the spiritual and material dimensions of human life," said Ms. Akale.


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