Prayers more faithfully translated:
The collection of the First Sunday of Lent
Here we are still Our book on meditation prayers of the Missal, in search of the hidden meaning of the obscure Latin formula, often made "easy", but a little misleading, dalla traduzione CEI attuale degli oremus liturgici.
Il caso della colletta della Prima Domenica di Quaresima è alquanto interessante.
Ecco la preghiera del Messale Romano:
Ecco la preghiera del Messale Romano:
Concéde nobis, omnípotens Deus, ut, per ánnua quadragesimális exercítia sacraménti, et ad intellegéndum Christi proficiámus arcánum, et efféctus eius digna conversatióne sectémur. Per Dóminum.
traduzione CEI :
O Dio, nostro Padre , con la celebrazione di questa Quaresima, segno sacramentale della nostra conversione , concedi a noi tuoi fedeli di crescere nella conoscenza del mistero di Cristo e di testimoniarlo con una degna condotta di vita.
traduzione personale:
Concedi a noi, Dio onnipotente, per mezzo delle annuali osservanze esteriori del tempo sacramentale dei Quaranta giorni, di poter crescere nella comprensione del segreto di Cristo, e di conseguirne gli effetti con un giusto comportamento [ oppure : seguire ciò che Cristo ha effettuato con un comportamento che ne sia degno ] .
Commento: stavolta tradurre letteralmente la colletta non è davvero fattibile. Ho trovato parecchie diverse traduzioni, che partono dai significati multipli della parola "sacramentum", "arcanum", ed "effectus".
Di certo la colletta non ha nessun riferimento alla "celebrazione" in senso liturgico della Quaresima, come pare mettere in evidenza la traduzione ufficiale ( in rosso ho evidenziato i concetti non presenti nell'originale and that we find nell'adattmento Italian ) . "Celebrate" is not like the concept. It speaks of a "practice" which many result in the sense of "military exercises" and that is why I proposed "outward observances": the emphasis is on exercises Lent (fasting, prayer and almsgiving). These exercises mark the "sacrament of the Forty Days": Lent is seen as a real outward sign of an inward grace (this is a sacrament). Translate "sacramental sign of the conversion is" misleading speech. Lent is not a sacramental sign of something else, not even our own conversion (which does not mention the collection). It 's a time of grace, in this sense a "sacramental time" coming back "each year" (as stated in the collection) to propose healthy exercise for our Christian life.
What we ask in prayer today?
There are two requirements:
1) that the exercises of Lent lead us to better understand the secret of Christ. "Arcanum" is not mysterium, this should not be translated: "the mystery of Christ", but rather is "enigma", "difficult to understand." We refer here, of course, the "discipline of the" typical of the early Christian community, that only gradually revealed to the catechumens and neophytes, the secret of faith: the death and resurrection of Christ, to penetrate even the intellect, even in their inexhaustible depth. So here we refer to the side of his "mysterious" and "can not be compensated for all" Mysterion of the death and resurrection of the Lord.
2) The second request is less clear than the first, and the translation can be manifold in its nuances. In fact, one can understand that we ask to find the effects of 'arcane of Christ that result in a just and holy way of life (dignity conversation), or that we pray to "follow" our behavior with what Christ has done (made effectively): As the prayer of the first Sunday of Lent, we can assume that we ask, implicitly, to retrace the forty days of victorious struggle against the devil that Christ himself fought in desert. Whatever the category of "witness" here has nothing to do. It 's a question that concerns us and our relationship with the efficacy of Christ. Prayer - today - talk about "following" or "chasing", "seek", which are not of "others to see," but rather to experience in ourselves and in our way of life renewed the saving reality encountered.
Testo preso da: Cantuale Antonianum: Preghiere più fedelmente tradotte: La colletta della Prima Domenica di Quaresima
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