Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cellular Respiration Process Poem

statement to the faithful and for the ancient Mass
Blog by Andrea Tornielli

Archbishop Ennio Appignanesi

will be published in the coming weeks, probably in early April, the statement of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei - signed by Cardinal Levada, the secretary and approved by Guido Pozzo Benedict XVI - establishing some criteria of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum . As you recall, the motu proprio, promulgated by Pope Ratzinger in 2007, had sanctioned the opening of the ancient missal and the opportunity for faith groups to apply directly to the parish priests celebrating the Mass according to the ritual pre-conciliar reform (as Roman Missal of 1962 , and not with the previous ones).

It 'no use denying that, with so many openings and a growing number of celebrations in the ancient rite, there were also many reactions of closure and restrictions imposed by some bishops. Education, now being translated into Latin and in various languages \u200b\u200b(the basic text is in Italian) is therefore an important document. In recent weeks, some websites and blogs related to the world so-called traditionalist, or that they are closely following the activities, have taken a number of critical prior to the document, arguing that it is actually a watering down of the will of the Pope. From what I learn, that interpretation is not true. For these reasons.

First of education with its contents confirmed that the motu proprio is a universal law of the Church and all are bound to implement it and ensure it is implemented. The instruction states that it ensures the possibility of the celebration in the ancient rite wherever there are groups of faithful who request it. In the text vienei not specify any minimum number of faithful who must represent the group.

It says instead that it is good - in agreement with the post-synodal exhortation on the Eucharist - That seminarians should study Latin and know the celebrations following the ancient form. The "sacerdos idoneus" for the celebration with the pre-conciliar Missal is not necessary to be a skilful Latinist, but who knows how to read and understand what they read and are called to speak during the ceremony.

The Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei , which was incorporated two years in Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , was established with education as the 'the body responsible for resolving issues and disputes, ruling on behalf of the Pope

The bishops should not and can not enact rules that restrict the powers granted by the motu proprio, or they mutate conditions. They are called instead to apply it.

can also be celebrated the Easter Triduum in pre-conciliar rite where there is a stable group of faithful attached to the old liturgy. Those belonging to religious orders can use the missals with their own rites preconciliar.

The Ambrosian rite is not mentioned in education: the motu proprio in fact applies only to the Roman Rite (Ecclesia Has no jurisdiction of the Ambrosian rite, in which the court has instead Congregation for Divine Worship ). This does not mean that the motu proprio, or rather, that the clear and explicit papal will not be applied in the diocese of Milan. It 's always happened, with the liturgical reform, but even before the changes introduced in the rites of Holy Week, 1954 by Pope Pius XII, the Ambrosian rite has made its own demands and changes, albeit at different times. E 'likely - given the obvious wishes of the Pope to make available to all the faithful to the ancient rite, as the legal framework set out in the document on del motu proprio di imminente pubblicazione, in considerazione del fatto che anche l’ambrosiano è un rito latino riformato nel post-concilio - possa essere studiato un documento analogo che estenda il Summorum Pontificum anche alla diocesi di Milano.

La messa antica in latino sarà insegnata nei seminari

Secondo le informazioni di Rorate Caeli, la nuova istruzione di applicazione del Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, ormai di imminente pubblicazione, dovrebbe provide, among other things, the teaching of the liturgy in the extraordinary form seminarians currently in formation. This - obviously - to enable them in the future, as priests, to celebrate Mass in Latin (in the form as much as in ordinary and extraordinary), knowing also headings and provisions to celebrate according to the old missal.
The news, of course, is not confirmed yet, but surely everyone must rejoice access to knowledge of the treasures of the liturgy and theology. No one will certainly be "forced" to say the "mass of Saint Pius V", but it is good that every priest knows his ritual in its various historical forms, and especially the language that for centuries has shaped the theology and spirituality of the Church which is called to be minister.

Source: http://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2011/03/relevant-instruction-iii-after.html



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