Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Floormusic The Pink Panther

Supreme Court, only one religious symbol like the crucifix in classrooms of schools and courts!

Another shot was scored in defense of "our" dear crucifix in the long and difficult struggle against the removal from public office.


Son been filed the reasons of the Supreme Court, Sec. Civ II. 5924/2011, with which he confirmed removal from the judiciary (decided by the Superior Council of Magistracy in January 2010) the court 'anticrocefisso' Luigi Tosti, who refused to hold a hearing until the symbol of Christianity had not been taken away from all the Italian courts. Alternatively Tosti asked, even the Supreme Court, to exhibit the 'Menorah', a symbol of the Jewish faith.

After dismissing the claim as Tosti riguarda la richiesta di esporre il simbolo ebraico accanto al Crocefisso, la Cassazione rileva che una simile scelta potrebbe anche essere fatta dal legislatore valutando, però, anche il rischio di « possibili conflitti » che potrebbero nascere dall'esposizione di simboli di identità religiose diverse. [...]

La Suprema Corte ha statuito inoltre che l'esposizione del Crocefisso nelle aule dei tribunali, e negli uffici pubblici, può non essere avvertito come un pericolo per la libertà religiosa di chi non è cristiano. « La presence of a crucifix - he wrote the Supreme Court - may not necessarily constitute threat to their rights of religious freedom geous for those who go to a courtroom for various reasons only and not necessarily to be those users of Christians , so "Tosti that the court could not" refuse just because his professional services in other classrooms of Justice (compared to that in which he worked) was present at the Crucifixion . According to Tosti
however, the presence of the cross violated the rights of freedom of religion and conscience of the members of those classrooms. A Tosti had been made available to a classroom with no symbol but him, he himself had refused to hold a hearing asking for the removal of crucifix from Italian
all courts.

ALEMANNO: identical symbols' CULTURAL
" I very much welcome the reasons of the Supreme Court to the effect that the only religious symbol allowed to be exposed in the courtroom is the Crucified . So says the mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, on the ruling, which confirmed the removal of Judge Tosti. " The Crucifix is \u200b\u200bfinally recognized as a symbol of our cultural identity. In recent years - continued Alemanno - against Christian symbols was made a real populist campaign which is now given a firm response by the Supreme Court . [...]


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